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Mar 07, 2025



Since 1996

The Institute of Language and Technology (iLT)

Education for Life and Capacity Building

Know about iLT

The Institute of Language and Technology (iLT) was established on Aug. 19, 1996, for the collection and circulation of facts and knowledge about language and technology. It has been dedicated for developing skills of language and technology among the enthusiasts with a view to their capacity building so that they can face the challenges in the society on a global context. Our way of teaching and learning concerns a creative method, especially designed for the enthusiasts, the iLT method, (iLTm), based upon cognitive learning and acquisition. The learning is based upon multiple application of study materials on our day-to-day lifestyle and learning from the consequences. That not only gives them practical knowledge but also the experience of trial.   

Another objective of iLT is to disseminate latest ideas and knowledge among people and assigned hand on practice to trainees for a better capacity building. As with the advent of science and technology, our lives and livelihood has become complex and competitive.  So, our courses are designed in a way to develop our trainees competent to the changing environment and capable of performing their duties with good command in the society.   Our training courses involve justified trainings on different aspects of BASIC BIOLOGICICAL SCIENCES (including pre-medical ideas); ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES (including Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Grammar); and HEALTH & HYGIENE (including public health and Environmental Health promotion), which we intend to extend day after day to extend to different parameters of Language and Technology. Besides, our time to time free and subscribed LECTURE PROGRMS on many of the latest innovations and cutting-edge needs in the society with a view to disseminate needful knowledge among the mass people, are planned an announce here for the betterment of the society and the country.    

Since its origin, iLT has so far guided a number of enthusiasts who have proved their efficiency in the society and all competitive examinations they faced.  Promoting enthusiastic youths with capacity building as well as communicative competence is our esteemed target, which we think, may play a vital role in the reformation in the society and lead people towards self-sufficiency.  

The teaching system at iLT is designed to make a difference in the traditional go. Our physical as well as online classes are designed to support the trainees in a practical way for their day to day actions. We follow a prescribed syllabus for each subject and age limit and our courses end with results and Certificates, which we are allowed to do by the Government as a Registered educational organization. Our teaching differs levels to levels and age to age, based upon the trainees’ background and Cognitive level. So each and every trainee are specially trained up to achieve the assigned EARN WHILE YOU LEARN PROGRAM, leading towards a Self-independency. 

The teaching method at iLT is very efficient and cost effective. It offers cognitive knowledge and practical understanding of a given topic, to work with it with perfect efficiency and credibility. Away from traditional classrooms the learners enjoys encountering new challenges and situations in their day-to-day life, ultimately doing something for themselves, their families and above all for the society with capable leadership.  Thanks for joining us and encouraging others to do so. So, please come and enjoy our Programs and Lectures.

Explanation of  iLT’s logo

It was designed by Mizanur Rahman Bhuiyan, the founder of iLT, on August 19 1996, the date of installation of the institution. Later, it was designed by Salman Bin Sultan, an iLTian (2012) and his team. Here is the explanation of the logo –
1. The round cornered Square, represents the limitation of course, i.e., the syllabus or curriculum, prescribed for that course. 
2. The ellipse inside 1. represents the steady course of study on a global context; with a view to Learning a topic through Cognition and Acquisition
3. The part of ellipse protruding outside the square (1.), shows the priority of Information technology (i) on 2. 
4. The letters LT, at the inner core represents our main objectives, Study and Research of various parameters of  Language and Technology

Articles on Learning 

iLT Notice Board